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path: root/nixos/lib/utils.nix
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authorAlyssa Ross <>2022-05-31 09:59:33 +0000
committerAlyssa Ross <>2022-05-31 09:59:57 +0000
commit9ff36293d1e428cd7bf03e8d4b03611b6d361c28 (patch)
tree1ab51a42b868c55b83f6ccdb80371b9888739dd9 /nixos/lib/utils.nix
parent1c4fcd0d4b0541e674ee56ace1053e23e562cc80 (diff)
parentddc3c396a51918043bb0faa6f676abd9562be62c (diff)
Last good Nixpkgs for Weston+nouveau? archive
I came this commit hash to terwiz[m] on IRC, who is trying to figure out
what the last version of Spectrum that worked on their NUC with Nvidia
graphics is.
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/lib/utils.nix')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/lib/utils.nix b/nixos/lib/utils.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ae68c3920c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/lib/utils.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+{ lib, config, pkgs }: with lib;
+rec {
+  # Copy configuration files to avoid having the entire sources in the system closure
+  copyFile = filePath: pkgs.runCommand (builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext (builtins.baseNameOf filePath)) {} ''
+    cp ${filePath} $out
+  '';
+  # Check whenever fileSystem is needed for boot.  NOTE: Make sure
+  # pathsNeededForBoot is closed under the parent relationship, i.e. if /a/b/c
+  # is in the list, put /a and /a/b in as well.
+  pathsNeededForBoot = [ "/" "/nix" "/nix/store" "/var" "/var/log" "/var/lib" "/var/lib/nixos" "/etc" "/usr" ];
+  fsNeededForBoot = fs: fs.neededForBoot || elem fs.mountPoint pathsNeededForBoot;
+  # Check whenever `b` depends on `a` as a fileSystem
+  fsBefore = a: b:
+    let
+      # normalisePath adds a slash at the end of the path if it didn't already
+      # have one.
+      #
+      # The reason slashes are added at the end of each path is to prevent `b`
+      # from accidentally depending on `a` in cases like
+      #    a = { mountPoint = "/aaa"; ... }
+      #    b = { device     = "/aaaa"; ... }
+      # Here a.mountPoint *is* a prefix of b.device even though a.mountPoint is
+      # *not* a parent of b.device. If we add a slash at the end of each string,
+      # though, this is not a problem: "/aaa/" is not a prefix of "/aaaa/".
+      normalisePath = path: "${path}${optionalString (!(hasSuffix "/" path)) "/"}";
+      normalise = mount: mount // { device = normalisePath (toString mount.device);
+                                    mountPoint = normalisePath mount.mountPoint;
+                                    depends = map normalisePath mount.depends;
+                                  };
+      a' = normalise a;
+      b' = normalise b;
+    in hasPrefix a'.mountPoint b'.device
+    || hasPrefix a'.mountPoint b'.mountPoint
+    || any (hasPrefix a'.mountPoint) b'.depends;
+  # Escape a path according to the systemd rules, e.g. /dev/xyzzy
+  # becomes dev-xyzzy.  FIXME: slow.
+  escapeSystemdPath = s:
+   replaceChars ["/" "-" " "] ["-" "\\x2d" "\\x20"]
+   (removePrefix "/" s);
+  # Quotes an argument for use in Exec* service lines.
+  # systemd accepts "-quoted strings with escape sequences, toJSON produces
+  # a subset of these.
+  # Additionally we escape % to disallow expansion of % specifiers. Any lone ;
+  # in the input will be turned it ";" and thus lose its special meaning.
+  # Every $ is escaped to $$, this makes it unnecessary to disable environment
+  # substitution for the directive.
+  escapeSystemdExecArg = arg:
+    let
+      s = if builtins.isPath arg then "${arg}"
+        else if builtins.isString arg then arg
+        else if builtins.isInt arg || builtins.isFloat arg then toString arg
+        else throw "escapeSystemdExecArg only allows strings, paths and numbers";
+    in
+      replaceChars [ "%" "$" ] [ "%%" "$$" ] (builtins.toJSON s);
+  # Quotes a list of arguments into a single string for use in a Exec*
+  # line.
+  escapeSystemdExecArgs = concatMapStringsSep " " escapeSystemdExecArg;
+  # Returns a system path for a given shell package
+  toShellPath = shell:
+    if types.shellPackage.check shell then
+      "/run/current-system/sw${shell.shellPath}"
+    else if types.package.check shell then
+      throw "${shell} is not a shell package"
+    else
+      shell;
+  /* Recurse into a list or an attrset, searching for attrs named like
+     the value of the "attr" parameter, and return an attrset where the
+     names are the corresponding jq path where the attrs were found and
+     the values are the values of the attrs.
+     Example:
+       recursiveGetAttrWithJqPrefix {
+         example = [
+           {
+             irrelevant = "not interesting";
+           }
+           {
+             ignored = "ignored attr";
+             relevant = {
+               secret = {
+                 _secret = "/path/to/secret";
+               };
+             };
+           }
+         ];
+       } "_secret" -> { ".example[1].relevant.secret" = "/path/to/secret"; }
+  */
+  recursiveGetAttrWithJqPrefix = item: attr:
+    let
+      recurse = prefix: item:
+        if item ? ${attr} then
+          nameValuePair prefix item.${attr}
+        else if isAttrs item then
+          map (name: recurse (prefix + "." + name) item.${name}) (attrNames item)
+        else if isList item then
+          imap0 (index: item: recurse (prefix + "[${toString index}]") item) item
+        else
+          [];
+    in listToAttrs (flatten (recurse "" item));
+  /* Takes an attrset and a file path and generates a bash snippet that
+     outputs a JSON file at the file path with all instances of
+     { _secret = "/path/to/secret" }
+     in the attrset replaced with the contents of the file
+     "/path/to/secret" in the output JSON.
+     When a configuration option accepts an attrset that is finally
+     converted to JSON, this makes it possible to let the user define
+     arbitrary secret values.
+     Example:
+       If the file "/path/to/secret" contains the string
+       "topsecretpassword1234",
+       genJqSecretsReplacementSnippet {
+         example = [
+           {
+             irrelevant = "not interesting";
+           }
+           {
+             ignored = "ignored attr";
+             relevant = {
+               secret = {
+                 _secret = "/path/to/secret";
+               };
+             };
+           }
+         ];
+       } "/path/to/output.json"
+       would generate a snippet that, when run, outputs the following
+       JSON file at "/path/to/output.json":
+       {
+         "example": [
+           {
+             "irrelevant": "not interesting"
+           },
+           {
+             "ignored": "ignored attr",
+             "relevant": {
+               "secret": "topsecretpassword1234"
+             }
+           }
+         ]
+       }
+  */
+  genJqSecretsReplacementSnippet = genJqSecretsReplacementSnippet' "_secret";
+  # Like genJqSecretsReplacementSnippet, but allows the name of the
+  # attr which identifies the secret to be changed.
+  genJqSecretsReplacementSnippet' = attr: set: output:
+    let
+      secrets = recursiveGetAttrWithJqPrefix set attr;
+    in ''
+      if [[ -h '${output}' ]]; then
+        rm '${output}'
+      fi
+      inherit_errexit_enabled=0
+      shopt -pq inherit_errexit && inherit_errexit_enabled=1
+      shopt -s inherit_errexit
+    ''
+    + concatStringsSep
+        "\n"
+        (imap1 (index: name: ''
+                  secret${toString index}=$(<'${secrets.${name}}')
+                  export secret${toString index}
+                '')
+               (attrNames secrets))
+    + "\n"
+    + "${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq >'${output}' '"
+    + concatStringsSep
+      " | "
+      (imap1 (index: name: ''${name} = $ENV.secret${toString index}'')
+             (attrNames secrets))
+    + ''
+      ' <<'EOF'
+      ${builtins.toJSON set}
+      EOF
+      (( ! $inherit_errexit_enabled )) && shopt -u inherit_errexit
+    '';
+  systemdUtils = {
+    lib = import ./systemd-lib.nix { inherit lib config pkgs; };
+    unitOptions = import ./systemd-unit-options.nix { inherit lib systemdUtils; };
+  };