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path: root/lib/meta.nix
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authorAlyssa Ross <>2022-05-31 09:59:33 +0000
committerAlyssa Ross <>2022-05-31 09:59:57 +0000
commit9ff36293d1e428cd7bf03e8d4b03611b6d361c28 (patch)
tree1ab51a42b868c55b83f6ccdb80371b9888739dd9 /lib/meta.nix
parent1c4fcd0d4b0541e674ee56ace1053e23e562cc80 (diff)
parentddc3c396a51918043bb0faa6f676abd9562be62c (diff)
Last good Nixpkgs for Weston+nouveau? archive
I came this commit hash to terwiz[m] on IRC, who is trying to figure out
what the last version of Spectrum that worked on their NUC with Nvidia
graphics is.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/meta.nix')
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/meta.nix b/lib/meta.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5b1f7ee5ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/meta.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+/* Some functions for manipulating meta attributes, as well as the
+   name attribute. */
+{ lib }:
+rec {
+  /* Add to or override the meta attributes of the given
+     derivation.
+     Example:
+       addMetaAttrs {description = "Bla blah";} somePkg
+  */
+  addMetaAttrs = newAttrs: drv:
+    drv // { meta = (drv.meta or {}) // newAttrs; };
+  /* Disable Hydra builds of given derivation.
+  */
+  dontDistribute = drv: addMetaAttrs { hydraPlatforms = []; } drv;
+  /* Change the symbolic name of a package for presentation purposes
+     (i.e., so that nix-env users can tell them apart).
+  */
+  setName = name: drv: drv // {inherit name;};
+  /* Like `setName', but takes the previous name as an argument.
+     Example:
+       updateName (oldName: oldName + "-experimental") somePkg
+  */
+  updateName = updater: drv: drv // {name = updater (;};
+  /* Append a suffix to the name of a package (before the version
+     part). */
+  appendToName = suffix: updateName (name:
+    let x = builtins.parseDrvName name; in "${}-${suffix}-${x.version}");
+  /* Apply a function to each derivation and only to derivations in an attrset.
+  */
+  mapDerivationAttrset = f: set: lib.mapAttrs (name: pkg: if lib.isDerivation pkg then (f pkg) else pkg) set;
+  /* Set the nix-env priority of the package.
+  */
+  setPrio = priority: addMetaAttrs { inherit priority; };
+  /* Decrease the nix-env priority of the package, i.e., other
+     versions/variants of the package will be preferred.
+  */
+  lowPrio = setPrio 10;
+  /* Apply lowPrio to an attrset with derivations
+  */
+  lowPrioSet = set: mapDerivationAttrset lowPrio set;
+  /* Increase the nix-env priority of the package, i.e., this
+     version/variant of the package will be preferred.
+  */
+  hiPrio = setPrio (-10);
+  /* Apply hiPrio to an attrset with derivations
+  */
+  hiPrioSet = set: mapDerivationAttrset hiPrio set;
+  /* Check to see if a platform is matched by the given `meta.platforms`
+     element.
+     A `meta.platform` pattern is either
+       1. (legacy) a system string.
+       2. (modern) a pattern for the platform `parsed` field.
+     We can inject these into a pattern for the whole of a structured platform,
+     and then match that.
+  */
+  platformMatch = platform: elem: let
+      pattern =
+        if builtins.isString elem
+        then { system = elem; }
+        else { parsed = elem; };
+    in lib.matchAttrs pattern platform;
+  /* Check if a package is available on a given platform.
+     A package is available on a platform if both
+       1. One of `meta.platforms` pattern matches the given platform.
+       2. None of `meta.badPlatforms` pattern matches the given platform.
+  */
+  availableOn = platform: pkg:
+    lib.any (platformMatch platform) pkg.meta.platforms &&
+    lib.all (elem: !platformMatch platform elem) (pkg.meta.badPlatforms or []);
+  /* Get the corresponding attribute in lib.licenses
+     from the SPDX ID.
+     For SPDX IDs, see
+     Type:
+       getLicenseFromSpdxId :: str -> AttrSet
+     Example:
+       lib.getLicenseFromSpdxId "MIT" ==
+       => true
+       lib.getLicenseFromSpdxId "mIt" ==
+       => true
+       lib.getLicenseFromSpdxId "MY LICENSE"
+       => trace: warning: getLicenseFromSpdxId: No license matches the given SPDX ID: MY LICENSE
+       => { shortName = "MY LICENSE"; }
+  */
+  getLicenseFromSpdxId =
+    let
+      spdxLicenses = lib.mapAttrs (id: ls: assert lib.length ls == 1; builtins.head ls)
+        (lib.groupBy (l: lib.toLower l.spdxId) (lib.filter (l: l ? spdxId) (lib.attrValues lib.licenses)));
+    in licstr:
+      spdxLicenses.${ lib.toLower licstr } or (
+        lib.warn "getLicenseFromSpdxId: No license matches the given SPDX ID: ${licstr}"
+        { shortName = licstr; }
+      );