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authorYarny0 <>2021-12-18 13:49:54 +0100
committerYarny0 <>2022-01-17 12:09:27 +0100
commit66d068bf66f8e5f55c589ff4c6114c0773c4ee70 (patch)
parentf6dca95c5dc8ab63322e439ae33a148877838ba9 (diff)
tsm-client: use rpm source instead of deb/Ubuntu
IBM publishes their IBM Spectrum Protect client
for Linux in two flavors:

* "Linux x86_64 client"
* "Linux x86_64 Ubuntu client"

Up to this commit, nixpkgs used the Ubuntu
flavor to build its `tsm-client` derivation.
However, the history of published archive files in


suggests that updates in the fourth level of
the version numbers (e.g. ->
do not get published as Ubuntu flavor.
It order to be able to always use the latest release,
this commit switches to the non-Ubuntu flavor.
The non-Ubuntu archive contains rpm files,
so this commit switches from `ar` to `rpmextract`.
Instead of unpacking all deb files,
the build recipe now unpacks all _but one_ rpm file:
The file `TIVsm-WEBGUI.x86_64.rpm` apparently
contains a plugin that is not included
in the Ubuntu version (see note below).
Comparing the old and the new derivation's output indicates
that this choice minimizes the difference between the results:

The output of the old (Ubuntu flavor) derivation contains:
* `commons-codec-1.6.jar`
* `share/` with changelog and copyright information
  for the packages `gskssl64` and `gskcrypt64`

The output of the new (non-Ubuntu flavor) derivation contains:
* `lib64`, symlink to `lib`
* `commons-codec-1.14.jar`
* `opt/tivoli/tsm/license/{api,baclient}/sm/`
  with license agreement files in many languages

Besides these differences, the outputs' file names are equal.

Note: I don't know what functionality
`TIVsm-WEBGUI.x86_64.rpm` actually provides.
Unpacking it with the other rpm files makes patchelf complain
about missing X11 libraries, so in order to include it here,
one would likely need to add those to `buildInputs`.
However, as the old (Ubuntu flavor) `tsm-client` package
did not contain this functionality and as I cannot test
or use it in any way, I opted to not include it now.
If we want to include this with a later commit,
we should add another package build option (like `enableGui`)
so that the default `tsm-client` package does not pull in
X11 libraries and its closure size therefore stays small.
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/backup/tsm-client/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/backup/tsm-client/default.nix
index 6303d76a1da..2cb29106c98 100644
--- a/pkgs/tools/backup/tsm-client/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/tools/backup/tsm-client/default.nix
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 , stdenv
 , fetchurl
 , autoPatchelfHook
+, rpmextract
 , openssl
 , zlib
 , lvm2  # LVM image backup and restore functions (optional)
@@ -48,14 +49,20 @@
 # The newest version of TSM client should be discoverable by
-# going to the `downloadPage` (see `meta` below), then
-# * find section "Client Service Release",
-# * pick the latest version and follow the link
-#   "IBM Spectrum Protect Client .. Downloads and READMEs"
-# * in the table at the page's bottom, follow the
-#   "HTTPS" link of the "Linux x86_64 Ubuntu client"
-# * in the directory listing, pick the big `.tar` file
-# (as of 2021-12-13)
+# going to the `downloadPage` (see `meta` below).
+# Find the "Backup-archive client" table on that page.
+# Look for "Download Documents" of the latest release.
+# Here, two links must be checked:
+# * "IBM Spectrum Protect Client ... Downloads and READMEs":
+#   In the table at the page's bottom,
+#   check the date of the "Linux x86_64 client"
+# * "IBM Spectrum Protect BA client ... interim fix downloads"
+# Look for the "Linux x86_64 client" rows
+# in the table # at the bottom of each page.
+# Follow the "HTTPS" link of the row with the latest date stamp.
+# In the directory listing to show up, pick the big `.tar` file.
+# (as of 2021-12-18)
@@ -93,20 +100,22 @@ let
       major = lib.versions.major version;
       minor = lib.versions.minor version;
       patch = lib.versions.patch version;
+      fixup = lib.lists.elemAt (lib.versions.splitVersion version) 3;
-      "${major}r${minor}/Linux/LinuxX86_DEB/BA/v${major}${minor}${patch}/${version}-TIV-TSMBAC-LinuxX86_DEB.tar";
+      "${if fixup=="0" then "maintenance" else "patches"}/client/v${major}r${minor}/Linux/LinuxX86/BA/v${major}${minor}${patch}/${version}-TIV-TSMBAC-LinuxX86.tar";
   unwrapped = stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
     name = "tsm-client-${version}-unwrapped";
     version = "";
     src = fetchurl {
       url = mkSrcUrl version;
-      sha256 = "0fy9c224g6rkrgd6ls01vs30bk9j9mlhf2x6akd11r7h8bib19zn";
+      sha256 = "1p6bw1szsb6kl7nfalsnz0kxcs8dvggh8ad8irj677ljhhryqbm4";
     inherit meta passthru;
     nativeBuildInputs = [
+      rpmextract
     buildInputs = [
@@ -119,12 +128,15 @@ let
     sourceRoot = ".";
     postUnpack = ''
-      for debfile in *.deb
-      do
-        ar -x "$debfile"
-        tar --xz --extract --file=data.tar.xz
-        rm data.tar.xz
-      done
+      rpmextract TIVsm-API64.x86_64.rpm
+      rpmextract TIVsm-APIcit.x86_64.rpm
+      rpmextract TIVsm-BA.x86_64.rpm
+      rpmextract TIVsm-BAcit.x86_64.rpm
+      rpmextract TIVsm-BAhdw.x86_64.rpm
+      rpmextract TIVsm-JBB.x86_64.rpm
+      # use globbing so that version updates don't break the build:
+      rpmextract gskcrypt64-*.linux.x86_64.rpm
+      rpmextract gskssl64-*.linux.x86_64.rpm
     installPhase = ''
@@ -136,7 +148,7 @@ let
     # Fix relative symlinks after `/usr` was moved up one level
     preFixup = ''
-      for link in $out/lib/* $out/bin/*
+      for link in $out/lib{,64}/* $out/bin/*
         target=$(readlink "$link")
         if [ "$(cut -b -6 <<< "$target")" != "../../" ]