SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Alyssa Ross SPDX-License-Identifier: GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-or-later OR CC-BY-SA-4.0 The code in this repository controls the Spectrum binary cache builder. [1] A binary cache build is started by running vultr_key=… $(nix-build run-vultr.nix) run-vultr.nix produces a script that creates a new cloud server instance on Vultr[2]. The life cycle of the cloud server is as follows: 1. The server boots into a Vultr-provided iPXE[3] image, with a command line generated by ipxe.nix. 2. iPXE downloads a nix-community NixOS netboot image[4], and boots it with a custom kernel command line. 3. The custom kernel command line configures systemd to create and start a unit that downloads and runs the "run" script from the copy of this repository on https://spectrum-os.org/git/. 4. The "run" script creates a filesystem on the server's attached block device, and moves the Nix store to it. (Up to this point, the system has been running entirely in memory.) 5. The "run" script fetches and unpacks a tarball from the server's configured "userdata" (set up by the script produced by run-vultr.nix earlier), to install the private signing key for Nix builds, and the SSH key pair it uses to connect to the storage server. 6. The "run" script downloads and switches to the NixOS configuration in configuration.nix, which sets up read-only web log access using systemd-journal-gatewayd(8), and configures Nix to copy completed builds and their associated logs to the storage server. 7. The "run" script creates and starts a systemd unit to do a Nix build of Spectrum's release.nix. Currently, the server is not automatically terminated at the end of the build, to allow for inspection and debugging if required. The reason for using this dynamic netboot-based setup is to avoid the need to create and maintain custom images. Because Spectrum builds are only required when changes are pushed to the Spectrum repository, and that happens at unpredictable intervals, if we built our own images and wanted to guarantee that they were suitably up to date, we'd need infrastructure for doing so, and there's a good chance that most images produced would go unused. With this method, we get an always up-to-date NixOS, without having to create the images ourselves. [1]: https://spectrum-os.org/doc/installation/binary-cache.html [2]: https://www.vultr.com/ [3]: https://ipxe.org/ [4]: https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-images