// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /* automatically generated by rust-bindgen */ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Default)] pub struct __IncompleteArrayField(::std::marker::PhantomData); impl __IncompleteArrayField { #[inline] pub fn new() -> Self { __IncompleteArrayField(::std::marker::PhantomData) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const T { ::std::mem::transmute(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut T { ::std::mem::transmute(self) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn as_slice(&self, len: usize) -> &[T] { ::std::slice::from_raw_parts(self.as_ptr(), len) } #[inline] pub unsafe fn as_mut_slice(&mut self, len: usize) -> &mut [T] { ::std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(self.as_mut_ptr(), len) } } impl ::std::fmt::Debug for __IncompleteArrayField { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result { fmt.write_str("__IncompleteArrayField") } } impl ::std::clone::Clone for __IncompleteArrayField { #[inline] fn clone(&self) -> Self { Self::new() } } impl ::std::marker::Copy for __IncompleteArrayField {} pub const __BITS_PER_LONG: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 64; pub const __FD_SETSIZE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1024; pub const VIRTIO_ID_NET: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VIRTIO_ID_BLOCK: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; pub const VIRTIO_ID_CONSOLE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 3; pub const VIRTIO_ID_RNG: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 4; pub const VIRTIO_ID_BALLOON: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 5; pub const VIRTIO_ID_RPMSG: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 7; pub const VIRTIO_ID_SCSI: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 8; pub const VIRTIO_ID_9P: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 9; pub const VIRTIO_ID_RPROC_SERIAL: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 11; pub const VIRTIO_ID_CAIF: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 12; pub const VIRTIO_ID_GPU: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 16; pub const VIRTIO_ID_INPUT: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 18; pub const VIRTIO_CONFIG_S_ACKNOWLEDGE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VIRTIO_CONFIG_S_DRIVER: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; pub const VIRTIO_CONFIG_S_DRIVER_OK: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 4; pub const VIRTIO_CONFIG_S_FEATURES_OK: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 8; pub const VIRTIO_CONFIG_S_FAILED: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 128; pub const VIRTIO_TRANSPORT_F_START: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 28; pub const VIRTIO_TRANSPORT_F_END: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 33; pub const VIRTIO_F_NOTIFY_ON_EMPTY: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 24; pub const VIRTIO_F_ANY_LAYOUT: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 27; pub const VIRTIO_F_VERSION_1: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 32; pub const ETH_ALEN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 6; pub const ETH_HLEN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 14; pub const ETH_ZLEN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 60; pub const ETH_DATA_LEN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1500; pub const ETH_FRAME_LEN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1514; pub const ETH_FCS_LEN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 4; pub const ETH_P_LOOP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 96; pub const ETH_P_PUP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 512; pub const ETH_P_PUPAT: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 513; pub const ETH_P_TSN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 8944; pub const ETH_P_IP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2048; pub const ETH_P_X25: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2053; pub const ETH_P_ARP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2054; pub const ETH_P_BPQ: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2303; pub const ETH_P_IEEEPUP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2560; pub const ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2561; pub const ETH_P_BATMAN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 17157; pub const ETH_P_DEC: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 24576; pub const ETH_P_DNA_DL: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 24577; pub const ETH_P_DNA_RC: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 24578; pub const ETH_P_DNA_RT: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 24579; pub const ETH_P_LAT: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 24580; pub const ETH_P_DIAG: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 24581; pub const ETH_P_CUST: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 24582; pub const ETH_P_SCA: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 24583; pub const ETH_P_TEB: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 25944; pub const ETH_P_RARP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 32821; pub const ETH_P_ATALK: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 32923; pub const ETH_P_AARP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 33011; pub const ETH_P_8021Q: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 33024; pub const ETH_P_IPX: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 33079; pub const ETH_P_IPV6: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34525; pub const ETH_P_PAUSE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34824; pub const ETH_P_SLOW: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34825; pub const ETH_P_WCCP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34878; pub const ETH_P_MPLS_UC: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34887; pub const ETH_P_MPLS_MC: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34888; pub const ETH_P_ATMMPOA: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34892; pub const ETH_P_PPP_DISC: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34915; pub const ETH_P_PPP_SES: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34916; pub const ETH_P_LINK_CTL: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34924; pub const ETH_P_ATMFATE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34948; pub const ETH_P_PAE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34958; pub const ETH_P_AOE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34978; pub const ETH_P_8021AD: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34984; pub const ETH_P_802_EX1: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 34997; pub const ETH_P_TIPC: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 35018; pub const ETH_P_8021AH: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 35047; pub const ETH_P_MVRP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 35061; pub const ETH_P_1588: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 35063; pub const ETH_P_PRP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 35067; pub const ETH_P_FCOE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 35078; pub const ETH_P_TDLS: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 35085; pub const ETH_P_FIP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 35092; pub const ETH_P_80221: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 35095; pub const ETH_P_LOOPBACK: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 36864; pub const ETH_P_QINQ1: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 37120; pub const ETH_P_QINQ2: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 37376; pub const ETH_P_QINQ3: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 37632; pub const ETH_P_EDSA: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 56026; pub const ETH_P_AF_IUCV: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 64507; pub const ETH_P_802_3_MIN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1536; pub const ETH_P_802_3: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const ETH_P_AX25: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; pub const ETH_P_ALL: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 3; pub const ETH_P_802_2: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 4; pub const ETH_P_SNAP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 5; pub const ETH_P_DDCMP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 6; pub const ETH_P_WAN_PPP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 7; pub const ETH_P_PPP_MP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 8; pub const ETH_P_LOCALTALK: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 9; pub const ETH_P_CAN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 12; pub const ETH_P_CANFD: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 13; pub const ETH_P_PPPTALK: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 16; pub const ETH_P_TR_802_2: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 17; pub const ETH_P_MOBITEX: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 21; pub const ETH_P_CONTROL: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 22; pub const ETH_P_IRDA: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 23; pub const ETH_P_ECONET: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 24; pub const ETH_P_HDLC: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 25; pub const ETH_P_ARCNET: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 26; pub const ETH_P_DSA: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 27; pub const ETH_P_TRAILER: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 28; pub const ETH_P_PHONET: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 245; pub const ETH_P_IEEE802154: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 246; pub const ETH_P_CAIF: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 247; pub const ETH_P_XDSA: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 248; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_CSUM: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_GUEST_CSUM: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_CTRL_GUEST_OFFLOADS: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_MTU: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 3; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_MAC: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 5; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_GUEST_TSO4: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 7; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_GUEST_TSO6: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 8; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_GUEST_ECN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 9; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_GUEST_UFO: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 10; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_HOST_TSO4: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 11; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_HOST_TSO6: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 12; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_HOST_ECN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 13; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_HOST_UFO: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 14; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_MRG_RXBUF: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 15; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_STATUS: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 16; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_CTRL_VQ: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 17; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_CTRL_RX: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 18; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_CTRL_VLAN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 19; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_CTRL_RX_EXTRA: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 20; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_GUEST_ANNOUNCE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 21; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_MQ: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 22; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_CTRL_MAC_ADDR: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 23; pub const VIRTIO_NET_F_GSO: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 6; pub const VIRTIO_NET_S_LINK_UP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VIRTIO_NET_S_ANNOUNCE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; pub const VIRTIO_NET_HDR_F_NEEDS_CSUM: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VIRTIO_NET_HDR_F_DATA_VALID: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; pub const VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_NONE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; pub const VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV4: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_UDP: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 3; pub const VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_TCPV6: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 4; pub const VIRTIO_NET_HDR_GSO_ECN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 128; pub const VIRTIO_NET_OK: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; pub const VIRTIO_NET_ERR: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_RX: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_RX_PROMISC: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_RX_ALLMULTI: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_RX_ALLUNI: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_RX_NOMULTI: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 3; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_RX_NOUNI: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 4; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_RX_NOBCAST: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 5; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MAC: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MAC_TABLE_SET: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MAC_ADDR_SET: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_VLAN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 2; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_VLAN_ADD: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_VLAN_DEL: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_ANNOUNCE: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 3; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_ANNOUNCE_ACK: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 4; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ_VQ_PAIRS_SET: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ_VQ_PAIRS_MIN: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 1; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_MQ_VQ_PAIRS_MAX: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 32768; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_GUEST_OFFLOADS: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 5; pub const VIRTIO_NET_CTRL_GUEST_OFFLOADS_SET: ::std::os::raw::c_uint = 0; pub type __s8 = ::std::os::raw::c_schar; pub type __u8 = ::std::os::raw::c_uchar; pub type __s16 = ::std::os::raw::c_short; pub type __u16 = ::std::os::raw::c_ushort; pub type __s32 = ::std::os::raw::c_int; pub type __u32 = ::std::os::raw::c_uint; pub type __s64 = ::std::os::raw::c_longlong; pub type __u64 = ::std::os::raw::c_ulonglong; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct __kernel_fd_set { pub fds_bits: [::std::os::raw::c_ulong; 16usize], } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout___kernel_fd_set() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::<__kernel_fd_set>(), 128usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(__kernel_fd_set)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::<__kernel_fd_set>(), 8usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(__kernel_fd_set)) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const __kernel_fd_set)).fds_bits as *const _ as usize }, 0usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(__kernel_fd_set), "::", stringify!(fds_bits) ) ); } impl Clone for __kernel_fd_set { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } pub type __kernel_sighandler_t = ::std::option::Option; pub type __kernel_key_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int; pub type __kernel_mqd_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int; pub type __kernel_old_uid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_ushort; pub type __kernel_old_gid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_ushort; pub type __kernel_old_dev_t = ::std::os::raw::c_ulong; pub type __kernel_long_t = ::std::os::raw::c_long; pub type __kernel_ulong_t = ::std::os::raw::c_ulong; pub type __kernel_ino_t = __kernel_ulong_t; pub type __kernel_mode_t = ::std::os::raw::c_uint; pub type __kernel_pid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int; pub type __kernel_ipc_pid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int; pub type __kernel_uid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_uint; pub type __kernel_gid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_uint; pub type __kernel_suseconds_t = __kernel_long_t; pub type __kernel_daddr_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int; pub type __kernel_uid32_t = ::std::os::raw::c_uint; pub type __kernel_gid32_t = ::std::os::raw::c_uint; pub type __kernel_size_t = __kernel_ulong_t; pub type __kernel_ssize_t = __kernel_long_t; pub type __kernel_ptrdiff_t = __kernel_long_t; #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct __kernel_fsid_t { pub val: [::std::os::raw::c_int; 2usize], } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout___kernel_fsid_t() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::<__kernel_fsid_t>(), 8usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(__kernel_fsid_t)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::<__kernel_fsid_t>(), 4usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(__kernel_fsid_t)) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const __kernel_fsid_t)).val as *const _ as usize }, 0usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(__kernel_fsid_t), "::", stringify!(val) ) ); } impl Clone for __kernel_fsid_t { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } pub type __kernel_off_t = __kernel_long_t; pub type __kernel_loff_t = ::std::os::raw::c_longlong; pub type __kernel_time_t = __kernel_long_t; pub type __kernel_clock_t = __kernel_long_t; pub type __kernel_timer_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int; pub type __kernel_clockid_t = ::std::os::raw::c_int; pub type __kernel_caddr_t = *mut ::std::os::raw::c_char; pub type __kernel_uid16_t = ::std::os::raw::c_ushort; pub type __kernel_gid16_t = ::std::os::raw::c_ushort; pub type __le16 = __u16; pub type __be16 = __u16; pub type __le32 = __u32; pub type __be32 = __u32; pub type __le64 = __u64; pub type __be64 = __u64; pub type __sum16 = __u16; pub type __wsum = __u32; pub type __virtio16 = __u16; pub type __virtio32 = __u32; pub type __virtio64 = __u64; #[repr(C, packed)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct ethhdr { pub h_dest: [::std::os::raw::c_uchar; 6usize], pub h_source: [::std::os::raw::c_uchar; 6usize], pub h_proto: __be16, } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_ethhdr() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 14usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(ethhdr)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 1usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(ethhdr)) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const ethhdr)).h_dest as *const _ as usize }, 0usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(ethhdr), "::", stringify!(h_dest) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const ethhdr)).h_source as *const _ as usize }, 6usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(ethhdr), "::", stringify!(h_source) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const ethhdr)).h_proto as *const _ as usize }, 12usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(ethhdr), "::", stringify!(h_proto) ) ); } impl Clone for ethhdr { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } #[repr(C, packed)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct virtio_net_config { pub mac: [__u8; 6usize], pub status: __u16, pub max_virtqueue_pairs: __u16, pub mtu: __u16, } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_virtio_net_config() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 12usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(virtio_net_config)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 1usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(virtio_net_config)) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_config)).mac as *const _ as usize }, 0usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_config), "::", stringify!(mac) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_config)).status as *const _ as usize }, 6usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_config), "::", stringify!(status) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_config)).max_virtqueue_pairs as *const _ as usize }, 8usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_config), "::", stringify!(max_virtqueue_pairs) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_config)).mtu as *const _ as usize }, 10usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_config), "::", stringify!(mtu) ) ); } impl Clone for virtio_net_config { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct virtio_net_hdr_v1 { pub flags: __u8, pub gso_type: __u8, pub hdr_len: __virtio16, pub gso_size: __virtio16, pub csum_start: __virtio16, pub csum_offset: __virtio16, pub num_buffers: __virtio16, } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_virtio_net_hdr_v1() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 12usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr_v1)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 2usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr_v1)) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr_v1)).flags as *const _ as usize }, 0usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr_v1), "::", stringify!(flags) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr_v1)).gso_type as *const _ as usize }, 1usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr_v1), "::", stringify!(gso_type) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr_v1)).hdr_len as *const _ as usize }, 2usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr_v1), "::", stringify!(hdr_len) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr_v1)).gso_size as *const _ as usize }, 4usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr_v1), "::", stringify!(gso_size) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr_v1)).csum_start as *const _ as usize }, 6usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr_v1), "::", stringify!(csum_start) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr_v1)).csum_offset as *const _ as usize }, 8usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr_v1), "::", stringify!(csum_offset) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr_v1)).num_buffers as *const _ as usize }, 10usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr_v1), "::", stringify!(num_buffers) ) ); } impl Clone for virtio_net_hdr_v1 { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct virtio_net_hdr { pub flags: __u8, pub gso_type: __u8, pub hdr_len: __virtio16, pub gso_size: __virtio16, pub csum_start: __virtio16, pub csum_offset: __virtio16, } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_virtio_net_hdr() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 10usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 2usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr)) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr)).flags as *const _ as usize }, 0usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr), "::", stringify!(flags) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr)).gso_type as *const _ as usize }, 1usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr), "::", stringify!(gso_type) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr)).hdr_len as *const _ as usize }, 2usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr), "::", stringify!(hdr_len) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr)).gso_size as *const _ as usize }, 4usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr), "::", stringify!(gso_size) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr)).csum_start as *const _ as usize }, 6usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr), "::", stringify!(csum_start) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr)).csum_offset as *const _ as usize }, 8usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr), "::", stringify!(csum_offset) ) ); } impl Clone for virtio_net_hdr { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct virtio_net_hdr_mrg_rxbuf { pub hdr: virtio_net_hdr, pub num_buffers: __virtio16, } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_virtio_net_hdr_mrg_rxbuf() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 12usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr_mrg_rxbuf)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 2usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr_mrg_rxbuf)) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr_mrg_rxbuf)).hdr as *const _ as usize }, 0usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr_mrg_rxbuf), "::", stringify!(hdr) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_hdr_mrg_rxbuf)).num_buffers as *const _ as usize }, 10usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_hdr_mrg_rxbuf), "::", stringify!(num_buffers) ) ); } impl Clone for virtio_net_hdr_mrg_rxbuf { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } #[repr(C, packed)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct virtio_net_ctrl_hdr { pub class: __u8, pub cmd: __u8, } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_virtio_net_ctrl_hdr() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 2usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(virtio_net_ctrl_hdr)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 1usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(virtio_net_ctrl_hdr)) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_ctrl_hdr)).class as *const _ as usize }, 0usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_ctrl_hdr), "::", stringify!(class) ) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_ctrl_hdr)).cmd as *const _ as usize }, 1usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_ctrl_hdr), "::", stringify!(cmd) ) ); } impl Clone for virtio_net_ctrl_hdr { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } pub type virtio_net_ctrl_ack = __u8; #[repr(C, packed)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct virtio_net_ctrl_mac { pub entries: __virtio32, pub macs: __IncompleteArrayField<[__u8; 6usize]>, } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_virtio_net_ctrl_mac() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 4usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(virtio_net_ctrl_mac)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 1usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(virtio_net_ctrl_mac)) ); } impl Clone for virtio_net_ctrl_mac { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct virtio_net_ctrl_mq { pub virtqueue_pairs: __virtio16, } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_virtio_net_ctrl_mq() { assert_eq!( ::std::mem::size_of::(), 2usize, concat!("Size of: ", stringify!(virtio_net_ctrl_mq)) ); assert_eq!( ::std::mem::align_of::(), 2usize, concat!("Alignment of ", stringify!(virtio_net_ctrl_mq)) ); assert_eq!( unsafe { &(*(0 as *const virtio_net_ctrl_mq)).virtqueue_pairs as *const _ as usize }, 0usize, concat!( "Alignment of field: ", stringify!(virtio_net_ctrl_mq), "::", stringify!(virtqueue_pairs) ) ); } impl Clone for virtio_net_ctrl_mq { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } }