// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. use std::fmt::{self, Display}; use std::fs::File; use std::mem; use std::os::raw::c_int; use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, RawFd}; use std::result; use libc::{c_void, read, signalfd, signalfd_siginfo}; use libc::{EAGAIN, SFD_CLOEXEC, SFD_NONBLOCK}; use crate::errno; use crate::signal; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { /// Failed to construct sigset when creating signalfd. CreateSigset(errno::Error), /// Failed to create a new signalfd. CreateSignalFd(errno::Error), /// Failed to block the signal when creating signalfd. CreateBlockSignal(signal::Error), /// Unable to read from signalfd. SignalFdRead(errno::Error), /// Signalfd could be read, but didn't return a full siginfo struct. /// This wraps the number of bytes that were actually read. SignalFdPartialRead(usize), } impl Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { use self::Error::*; match self { CreateSigset(e) => write!( f, "failed to construct sigset when creating signalfd: {}", e, ), CreateSignalFd(e) => write!(f, "failed to create a new signalfd: {}", e), CreateBlockSignal(e) => write!( f, "failed to block the signal when creating signalfd: {}", e, ), SignalFdRead(e) => write!(f, "unable to read from signalfd: {}", e), SignalFdPartialRead(read) => write!( f, "signalfd failed to return a full siginfo struct, read only {} bytes", read, ), } } } pub type Result = result::Result; /// A safe wrapper around a Linux signalfd (man 2 signalfd). /// /// A signalfd can be used for non-synchronous signals (such as SIGCHLD) so that /// signals can be processed without the use of a signal handler. pub struct SignalFd { signalfd: File, signal: c_int, } impl SignalFd { /// Creates a new SignalFd for the given signal, blocking the normal handler /// for the signal as well. Since we mask out the normal handler, this is /// a risky operation - signal masking will persist across fork and even /// **exec** so the user of SignalFd should think long and hard about /// when to mask signals. pub fn new(signal: c_int) -> Result { let sigset = signal::create_sigset(&[signal]).map_err(Error::CreateSigset)?; // This is safe as we check the return value and know that fd is valid. let fd = unsafe { signalfd(-1, &sigset, SFD_CLOEXEC | SFD_NONBLOCK) }; if fd < 0 { return Err(Error::CreateSignalFd(errno::Error::last())); } // Mask out the normal handler for the signal. signal::block_signal(signal).map_err(Error::CreateBlockSignal)?; // This is safe because we checked fd for success and know the // kernel gave us an fd that we own. unsafe { Ok(SignalFd { signalfd: File::from_raw_fd(fd), signal, }) } } /// Read a siginfo struct from the signalfd, if available. pub fn read(&self) -> Result> { // signalfd_siginfo doesn't have a default, so just zero it. let mut siginfo: signalfd_siginfo = unsafe { mem::zeroed() }; let siginfo_size = mem::size_of::(); // This read is safe since we've got the space allocated for a // single signalfd_siginfo, and that's exactly how much we're // reading. Handling of EINTR is not required since SFD_NONBLOCK // was specified. signalfds will always read in increments of // sizeof(signalfd_siginfo); see man 2 signalfd. let ret = unsafe { read( self.signalfd.as_raw_fd(), &mut siginfo as *mut signalfd_siginfo as *mut c_void, siginfo_size, ) }; if ret < 0 { let err = errno::Error::last(); if err.errno() == EAGAIN { Ok(None) } else { Err(Error::SignalFdRead(err)) } } else if ret == (siginfo_size as isize) { Ok(Some(siginfo)) } else { Err(Error::SignalFdPartialRead(ret as usize)) } } } impl AsRawFd for SignalFd { fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd { self.signalfd.as_raw_fd() } } impl Drop for SignalFd { fn drop(&mut self) { // This is thread-safe and safe in the sense that we're doing what // was promised - unmasking the signal when we go out of scope. let res = signal::unblock_signal(self.signal); if let Err(e) = res { error!("signalfd failed to unblock signal {}: {}", self.signal, e); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::signal::SIGRTMIN; use libc::{pthread_sigmask, raise, sigismember, sigset_t}; use std::ptr::null; #[test] fn new() { SignalFd::new(SIGRTMIN()).unwrap(); } #[test] fn read() { let sigid = SIGRTMIN() + 1; let sigrt_fd = SignalFd::new(sigid).unwrap(); let ret = unsafe { raise(sigid) }; assert_eq!(ret, 0); let siginfo = sigrt_fd.read().unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(siginfo.ssi_signo, sigid as u32); } #[test] fn drop() { let sigid = SIGRTMIN() + 2; // Put the SignalFd in a block where it will be dropped at the end. #[allow(unused_variables)] { let sigrt_fd = SignalFd::new(sigid).unwrap(); unsafe { let mut sigset: sigset_t = mem::zeroed(); pthread_sigmask(0, null(), &mut sigset as *mut sigset_t); assert_eq!(sigismember(&sigset, sigid), 1); } } // The signal should no longer be masked. unsafe { let mut sigset: sigset_t = mem::zeroed(); pthread_sigmask(0, null(), &mut sigset as *mut sigset_t); assert_eq!(sigismember(&sigset, sigid), 0); } } }