// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. //! Runs a virtual machine under KVM extern crate arch; #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "aarch64"))] extern crate aarch64; extern crate devices; extern crate device_manager; extern crate libc; extern crate io_jail; extern crate kvm; extern crate kvm_sys; #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))] extern crate x86_64; extern crate kernel_loader; extern crate kernel_cmdline; extern crate byteorder; extern crate net_util; extern crate qcow; #[macro_use] extern crate sys_util; extern crate vhost; extern crate vm_control; extern crate data_model; #[cfg(feature = "plugin")] extern crate plugin_proto; #[cfg(feature = "plugin")] extern crate protobuf; pub mod argument; pub mod linux; #[cfg(feature = "plugin")] pub mod plugin; use std::net; use std::os::unix::net::UnixDatagram; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::string::String; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::Duration; use sys_util::{Scm, getpid, kill_process_group, reap_child, syslog}; use argument::{Argument, set_arguments, print_help}; use vm_control::VmRequest; static SECCOMP_POLICY_DIR: &'static str = "/usr/share/policy/crosvm"; enum DiskType { FlatFile, Qcow, } struct DiskOption { path: PathBuf, writable: bool, disk_type: DiskType, } pub struct Config { disks: Vec, vcpu_count: Option, memory: Option, kernel_path: PathBuf, params: Vec, host_ip: Option, netmask: Option, mac_address: Option, vhost_net: bool, wayland_socket_path: Option, socket_path: Option, multiprocess: bool, seccomp_policy_dir: PathBuf, cid: Option, plugin: Option, } impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Config { Config { disks: Vec::new(), vcpu_count: None, memory: None, kernel_path: PathBuf::default(), params: Vec::new(), host_ip: None, netmask: None, mac_address: None, vhost_net: false, wayland_socket_path: None, socket_path: None, multiprocess: !cfg!(feature = "default-no-sandbox"), seccomp_policy_dir: PathBuf::from(SECCOMP_POLICY_DIR), cid: None, plugin: None, } } } // Wait for all children to exit. Return true if they have all exited, false // otherwise. fn wait_all_children() -> bool { const CHILD_WAIT_MAX_ITER: isize = 10; const CHILD_WAIT_MS: u64 = 10; for _ in 0..CHILD_WAIT_MAX_ITER { loop { match reap_child() { Ok(0) => break, // We expect ECHILD which indicates that there were no children left. Err(e) if e.errno() == libc::ECHILD => return true, Err(e) => { warn!("error while waiting for children: {:?}", e); return false; } // We reaped one child, so continue reaping. _ => {}, } } // There's no timeout option for waitpid which reap_child calls internally, so our only // recourse is to sleep while waiting for the children to exit. sleep(Duration::from_millis(CHILD_WAIT_MS)); } // If we've made it to this point, not all of the children have exited. return false; } fn set_argument(cfg: &mut Config, name: &str, value: Option<&str>) -> argument::Result<()> { match name { "" => { if cfg.plugin.is_some() { return Err(argument::Error::TooManyArguments("`plugin` can not be used with kernel" .to_owned())); } else if !cfg.kernel_path.as_os_str().is_empty() { return Err(argument::Error::TooManyArguments("expected exactly one kernel path" .to_owned())); } else { let kernel_path = PathBuf::from(value.unwrap()); if !kernel_path.exists() { return Err(argument::Error::InvalidValue { value: value.unwrap().to_owned(), expected: "this kernel path does not exist", }); } cfg.kernel_path = kernel_path; } } "params" => { cfg.params.push(value.unwrap().to_owned()); } "cpus" => { if cfg.vcpu_count.is_some() { return Err(argument::Error::TooManyArguments("`cpus` already given".to_owned())); } cfg.vcpu_count = Some(value .unwrap() .parse() .map_err(|_| { argument::Error::InvalidValue { value: value.unwrap().to_owned(), expected: "this value for `cpus` needs to be integer", } })?) } "mem" => { if cfg.memory.is_some() { return Err(argument::Error::TooManyArguments("`mem` already given".to_owned())); } cfg.memory = Some(value .unwrap() .parse() .map_err(|_| { argument::Error::InvalidValue { value: value.unwrap().to_owned(), expected: "this value for `mem` needs to be integer", } })?) } "root" | "disk" | "rwdisk" | "qcow" | "rwqcow" => { let disk_path = PathBuf::from(value.unwrap()); if !disk_path.exists() { return Err(argument::Error::InvalidValue { value: value.unwrap().to_owned(), expected: "this disk path does not exist", }); } if name == "root" { if cfg.disks.len() >= 26 { return Err(argument::Error::TooManyArguments("ran out of letters for to assign to root disk".to_owned())); } cfg.params .push(format!("root=/dev/vd{} ro", char::from('a' as u8 + cfg.disks.len() as u8))); } cfg.disks .push(DiskOption { path: disk_path, writable: name.starts_with("rw"), disk_type: if name.ends_with("qcow") { DiskType::Qcow } else { DiskType::FlatFile }, }); } "host_ip" => { if cfg.host_ip.is_some() { return Err(argument::Error::TooManyArguments("`host_ip` already given".to_owned())); } cfg.host_ip = Some(value .unwrap() .parse() .map_err(|_| { argument::Error::InvalidValue { value: value.unwrap().to_owned(), expected: "`host_ip` needs to be in the form \"x.x.x.x\"", } })?) } "netmask" => { if cfg.netmask.is_some() { return Err(argument::Error::TooManyArguments("`netmask` already given".to_owned())); } cfg.netmask = Some(value .unwrap() .parse() .map_err(|_| { argument::Error::InvalidValue { value: value.unwrap().to_owned(), expected: "`netmask` needs to be in the form \"x.x.x.x\"", } })?) } "mac" => { if cfg.mac_address.is_some() { return Err(argument::Error::TooManyArguments("`mac` already given".to_owned())); } cfg.mac_address = Some(value .unwrap() .parse() .map_err(|_| { argument::Error::InvalidValue { value: value.unwrap().to_owned(), expected: "`mac` needs to be in the form \"XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX\"", } })?) } "wayland-sock" => { if cfg.wayland_socket_path.is_some() { return Err(argument::Error::TooManyArguments("`wayland-sock` already given" .to_owned())); } let wayland_socket_path = PathBuf::from(value.unwrap()); if !wayland_socket_path.exists() { return Err(argument::Error::InvalidValue { value: value.unwrap().to_string(), expected: "Wayland socket does not exist", }); } cfg.wayland_socket_path = Some(wayland_socket_path); } "socket" => { if cfg.socket_path.is_some() { return Err(argument::Error::TooManyArguments("`socket` already given".to_owned())); } let mut socket_path = PathBuf::from(value.unwrap()); if socket_path.is_dir() { socket_path.push(format!("crosvm-{}.sock", getpid())); } if socket_path.exists() { return Err(argument::Error::InvalidValue { value: socket_path.to_string_lossy().into_owned(), expected: "this socket path already exists", }); } cfg.socket_path = Some(socket_path); } "multiprocess" => { cfg.multiprocess = true; } "disable-sandbox" => { cfg.multiprocess = false; } "cid" => { if cfg.cid.is_some() { return Err(argument::Error::TooManyArguments("`cid` alread given".to_owned())); } cfg.cid = Some(value.unwrap().parse().map_err(|_| { argument::Error::InvalidValue { value: value.unwrap().to_owned(), expected: "this value for `cid` must be an unsigned integer", } })?); } "seccomp-policy-dir" => { // `value` is Some because we are in this match so it's safe to unwrap. cfg.seccomp_policy_dir = PathBuf::from(value.unwrap()); }, "plugin" => { if !cfg.kernel_path.as_os_str().is_empty() { return Err(argument::Error::TooManyArguments("`plugin` can not be used with kernel".to_owned())); } else if cfg.plugin.is_some() { return Err(argument::Error::TooManyArguments("`plugin` already given".to_owned())); } let plugin = PathBuf::from(value.unwrap().to_owned()); if plugin.is_relative() { return Err(argument::Error::InvalidValue { value: plugin.to_string_lossy().into_owned(), expected: "the plugin path must be an absolute path", }) } cfg.plugin = Some(plugin); }, "vhost-net" => { cfg.vhost_net = true }, "help" => return Err(argument::Error::PrintHelp), _ => unreachable!(), } Ok(()) } fn run_vm(args: std::env::Args) -> std::result::Result<(), ()> { let arguments = &[Argument::positional("KERNEL", "bzImage of kernel to run"), Argument::short_value('p', "params", "PARAMS", "Extra kernel or plugin command line arguments. Can be given more than once."), Argument::short_value('c', "cpus", "N", "Number of VCPUs. (default: 1)"), Argument::short_value('m', "mem", "N", "Amount of guest memory in MiB. (default: 256)"), Argument::short_value('r', "root", "PATH", "Path to a root disk image. Like `--disk` but adds appropriate kernel command line option."), Argument::short_value('d', "disk", "PATH", "Path to a disk image."), Argument::value("qcow", "PATH", "Path to a qcow2 disk image."), Argument::value("rwdisk", "PATH", "Path to a writable disk image."), Argument::value("rwqcow", "PATH", "Path to a writable qcow2 disk image."), Argument::value("host_ip", "IP", "IP address to assign to host tap interface."), Argument::value("netmask", "NETMASK", "Netmask for VM subnet."), Argument::value("mac", "MAC", "MAC address for VM."), Argument::value("wayland-sock", "PATH", "Path to the Wayland socket to use."), Argument::value("wayland-group", "GROUP", "Name of the group with access to the Wayland socket."), Argument::short_value('s', "socket", "PATH", "Path to put the control socket. If PATH is a directory, a name will be generated."), Argument::short_flag('u', "multiprocess", "Run each device in a child process(default)."), Argument::flag("disable-sandbox", "Run all devices in one, non-sandboxed process."), Argument::value("cid", "CID", "Context ID for virtual sockets"), Argument::value("seccomp-policy-dir", "PATH", "Path to seccomp .policy files."), #[cfg(feature = "plugin")] Argument::value("plugin", "PATH", "Absolute path to plugin process to run under crosvm."), Argument::flag("vhost-net", "Use vhost for networking."), Argument::short_flag('h', "help", "Print help message.")]; let mut cfg = Config::default(); let match_res = set_arguments(args, &arguments[..], |name, value| set_argument(&mut cfg, name, value)).and_then(|_| { if cfg.kernel_path.as_os_str().is_empty() && cfg.plugin.is_none() { return Err(argument::Error::ExpectedArgument("`KERNEL`".to_owned())); } if cfg.host_ip.is_some() || cfg.netmask.is_some() || cfg.mac_address.is_some() { if cfg.host_ip.is_none() { return Err(argument::Error::ExpectedArgument("`host_ip` missing from network config".to_owned())); } if cfg.netmask.is_none() { return Err(argument::Error::ExpectedArgument("`netmask` missing from network config".to_owned())); } if cfg.mac_address.is_none() { return Err(argument::Error::ExpectedArgument("`mac` missing from network config".to_owned())); } } Ok(()) }); match match_res { #[cfg(feature = "plugin")] Ok(()) if cfg.plugin.is_some() => { match plugin::run_config(cfg) { Ok(_) => { info!("crosvm and plugin have exited normally"); Ok(()) } Err(e) => { error!("{}", e); Err(()) } } } Ok(()) => { match linux::run_config(cfg) { Ok(_) => { info!("crosvm has exited normally"); Ok(()) } Err(e) => { error!("{}", e); Err(()) } } } Err(argument::Error::PrintHelp) => { print_help("crosvm run", "KERNEL", &arguments[..]); Ok(()) } Err(e) => { println!("{}", e); Err(()) } } } fn stop_vms(args: std::env::Args) -> std::result::Result<(), ()> { let mut scm = Scm::new(1); if args.len() == 0 { print_help("crosvm stop", "VM_SOCKET...", &[]); println!("Stops the crosvm instance listening on each `VM_SOCKET` given."); } let mut return_result = Ok(()); for socket_path in args { match UnixDatagram::unbound().and_then(|s| { s.connect(&socket_path)?; Ok(s) }) { Ok(s) => { if let Err(e) = VmRequest::Exit.send(&mut scm, &s) { error!("failed to send stop request to socket at '{}': {:?}", socket_path, e); } } Err(e) => { error!("failed to connect to socket at '{}': {}", socket_path, e); return_result = Err(());; } } } return_result } fn balloon_vms(mut args: std::env::Args) -> std::result::Result<(), ()> { let mut scm = Scm::new(1); if args.len() < 2 { print_help("crosvm balloon", "PAGE_ADJUST VM_SOCKET...", &[]); println!("Adjust the ballon size of the crosvm instance by `PAGE_ADJUST` pages, `PAGE_ADJUST` can be negative to shrink the balloon."); } let num_pages: i32 = match args.nth(0).unwrap().parse::() { Ok(n) => n, Err(_) => { error!("Failed to parse number of pages"); return Err(()); }, }; let mut return_result = Ok(()); for socket_path in args { match UnixDatagram::unbound().and_then(|s| { s.connect(&socket_path)?; Ok(s) }) { Ok(s) => { if let Err(e) = VmRequest::BalloonAdjust(num_pages).send(&mut scm, &s) { error!("failed to send balloon request to socket at '{}': {:?}", socket_path, e); } } Err(e) => { error!("failed to connect to socket at '{}': {}", socket_path, e); return_result = Err(()); } } } return_result } fn print_usage() { print_help("crosvm", "[stop|run]", &[]); println!("Commands:"); println!(" stop - Stops crosvm instances via their control sockets."); println!(" run - Start a new crosvm instance."); } fn crosvm_main() -> std::result::Result<(), ()> { if let Err(e) = syslog::init() { println!("failed to initiailize syslog: {:?}", e); return Err(()); } let mut args = std::env::args(); if args.next().is_none() { error!("expected executable name"); return Err(()); } // Past this point, usage of exit is in danger of leaking zombie processes. let ret = match args.next().as_ref().map(|a| a.as_ref()) { None => { print_usage(); Ok(()) } Some("stop") => { stop_vms(args) } Some("run") => { run_vm(args) } Some("balloon") => { balloon_vms(args) } Some(c) => { println!("invalid subcommand: {:?}", c); print_usage(); Err(()) } }; // Reap exit status from any child device processes. At this point, all devices should have been // dropped in the main process and told to shutdown. Try over a period of 100ms, since it may // take some time for the processes to shut down. if !wait_all_children() { // We gave them a chance, and it's too late. warn!("not all child processes have exited; sending SIGKILL"); if let Err(e) = kill_process_group() { // We're now at the mercy of the OS to clean up after us. warn!("unable to kill all child processes: {:?}", e); } } // WARNING: Any code added after this point is not guaranteed to run // since we may forcibly kill this process (and its children) above. ret } fn main() { std::process::exit(if crosvm_main().is_ok() { 0 } else { 1 }); }