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path: root/gpu_buffer/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gpu_buffer/src/')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 318 deletions
diff --git a/gpu_buffer/src/ b/gpu_buffer/src/
index 08174dc..3bc4b24 100644
--- a/gpu_buffer/src/
+++ b/gpu_buffer/src/
@@ -34,24 +34,19 @@ mod drm_formats;
 mod raw;
 pub mod rendernode;
-use std::cmp::min;
 use std::ffi::CStr;
 use std::fmt::{self, Display};
 use std::fs::File;
-use std::isize;
-use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_void};
+use std::os::raw::c_char;
 use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, RawFd};
-use std::ptr::null_mut;
 use std::rc::Rc;
 use std::result::Result;
-use data_model::{VolatileMemory, VolatileMemoryError, VolatileSlice};
+use data_model::VolatileMemoryError;
 use crate::drm_formats::*;
 use crate::raw::*;
-const MAP_FAILED: *mut c_void = (-1isize as *mut _);
 pub enum Error {
@@ -103,42 +98,6 @@ impl Display for Error {
-macro_rules! checked_arithmetic {
-    ($x:ident $op:ident $y:ident $op_name:expr) => {
-        $x.$op($y).ok_or_else(|| Error::CheckedArithmetic {
-            field1: (stringify!($x), $x as usize),
-            field2: (stringify!($y), $y as usize),
-            op: $op_name,
-        })
-    };
-    ($x:ident + $y:ident) => {
-        checked_arithmetic!($x checked_add $y "+")
-    };
-    ($x:ident - $y:ident) => {
-        checked_arithmetic!($x checked_sub $y "-")
-    };
-    ($x:ident * $y:ident) => {
-        checked_arithmetic!($x checked_mul $y "*")
-    };
-macro_rules! checked_range {
-    ($x:expr; <= $y:expr) => {
-        if $x <= $y {
-            Ok(())
-        } else {
-            Err(Error::InvalidPrecondition {
-                field1: (stringify!($x), $x as usize),
-                field2: (stringify!($y), $y as usize),
-                op: "<=",
-            })
-        }
-    };
-    ($x:ident <= $y:ident) => {
-        check_range!($x; <= $y)
-    };
 /// A [fourcc]( format identifier.
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
 pub struct Format(u32);
@@ -489,213 +448,6 @@ impl Buffer {
             ret => Err(ret),
-    fn map(
-        &self,
-        x: u32,
-        y: u32,
-        width: u32,
-        height: u32,
-        plane: usize,
-        flags: u32,
-    ) -> Result<BufferMapping, Error> {
-        checked_range!(checked_arithmetic!(x + width)?; <= self.width())?;
-        checked_range!(checked_arithmetic!(y + height)?; <= self.height())?;
-        checked_range!(plane; <= self.num_planes())?;
-        let bytes_per_pixel = self
-            .format()
-            .bytes_per_pixel(plane)
-            .ok_or(Error::UnknownFormat(self.format()))? as u32;
-        let mut stride = 0;
-        let mut map_data = null_mut();
-        // Safe because only a valid gbm_bo object is used and the return value is checked. Only
-        // pointers coerced from stack references are used for returned values, and we trust gbm to
-        // only write as many bytes as the size of the pointed to values.
-        let mapping = unsafe {
-            gbm_bo_map(
-                self.0,
-                x,
-                y,
-                width,
-                height,
-                flags,
-                &mut stride,
-                &mut map_data,
-                plane,
-            )
-        };
-        if mapping == MAP_FAILED {
-            return Err(Error::MapFailed);
-        }
-        // The size of returned slice is equal the size of a row in bytes multiplied by the height
-        // of the mapped region, subtracted by the offset into the first mapped row. The 'x' and
-        // 'y's in the below diagram of a 2D buffer are bytes in the mapping. The first 'y' is what
-        // the mapping points to in memory, and the '-'s are unmapped bytes of the buffer.
-        // |----------|
-        // |--stride--|
-        // |-----yyyyx| h
-        // |xxxxxyyyyx| e
-        // |xxxxxyyyyx| i
-        // |xxxxxyyyyx| g
-        // |xxxxxyyyyx| h
-        // |xxxxxyyyyx| t
-        // |----------|
-        let size = checked_arithmetic!(stride * height)?;
-        let x_offset_bytes = checked_arithmetic!(x * bytes_per_pixel)?;
-        let slice_size = checked_arithmetic!(size - x_offset_bytes)? as u64;
-        Ok(BufferMapping {
-            // Safe because the chunk of memory starting at mapping with size `slice_size` is valid
-            // and tied to the lifetime of `buffer_mapping`.
-            slice: unsafe { VolatileSlice::new(mapping as *mut u8, slice_size) },
-            stride,
-            map_data,
-            buffer: self,
-        })
-    }
-    /// Reads the given subsection of the buffer to `dst`.
-    pub fn read_to_volatile(
-        &self,
-        x: u32,
-        y: u32,
-        width: u32,
-        height: u32,
-        plane: usize,
-        dst: VolatileSlice,
-        dst_stride: u32,
-    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
-        if width == 0 || height == 0 {
-            return Ok(());
-        }
-        let mapping =, y, width, height, plane, GBM_BO_TRANSFER_READ)?;
-        let src_stride = mapping.stride() as u64;
-        let dst_stride = dst_stride as u64;
-        if x == 0 && width == self.width() && src_stride == dst_stride {
-            mapping.as_volatile_slice().copy_to_volatile_slice(dst);
-        } else {
-            // This path is more complicated because there are gaps in the data between lines.
-            let width = width as u64;
-            let bytes_per_pixel = match self.format().bytes_per_pixel(plane) {
-                Some(bpp) => bpp as u64,
-                None => return Err(Error::UnknownFormat(self.format())),
-            };
-            let line_copy_size = checked_arithmetic!(width * bytes_per_pixel)?;
-            let src = mapping.as_volatile_slice();
-            for yy in 0..(height as u64) {
-                let src_line_offset = checked_arithmetic!(yy * src_stride)?;
-                let dst_line_offset = checked_arithmetic!(yy * dst_stride)?;
-                let src_line = src
-                    .get_slice(src_line_offset, line_copy_size)
-                    .map_err(Error::Memcopy)?;
-                let dst_line = dst
-                    .get_slice(dst_line_offset, line_copy_size)
-                    .map_err(Error::Memcopy)?;
-                src_line.copy_to_volatile_slice(dst_line);
-            }
-        }
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    /// Writes to the given subsection of the buffer from `sgs`.
-    pub fn write_from_sg<'a, S: Iterator<Item = VolatileSlice<'a>>>(
-        &self,
-        x: u32,
-        y: u32,
-        width: u32,
-        height: u32,
-        plane: usize,
-        src_offset: usize,
-        mut sgs: S,
-    ) -> Result<(), Error> {
-        if width == 0 || height == 0 {
-            return Ok(());
-        }
-        checked_range!(src_offset; <= isize::MAX as usize)?;
-        let mapping =, y, width, height, plane, GBM_BO_TRANSFER_WRITE)?;
-        let mut dst_slice = mapping.as_volatile_slice();
-        let stride = mapping.stride() as u64;
-        let mut height = height as u64;
-        let mut src_offset = src_offset as u64;
-        if x == 0 && width == self.width() {
-            // This path is a simple copy from the scatter gather iterator to the buffer objection,
-            // with no gaps in the data.
-            let mut copy_size = checked_arithmetic!(stride * height)?;
-            for sg in sgs {
-                // Skip src_offset into this scatter gather item, or the entire thing if offset is
-                // larger.
-                let sg_size = match sg.size().checked_sub(src_offset) {
-                    Some(sg_remaining_size) => sg_remaining_size,
-                    None => {
-                        src_offset -= sg.size();
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                };
-                let copy_sg_size = min(sg_size, copy_size);
-                let src_slice = sg
-                    .get_slice(src_offset, copy_sg_size)
-                    .map_err(Error::Memcopy)?;
-                src_slice.copy_to_volatile_slice(dst_slice);
-                src_offset = 0;
-                dst_slice = dst_slice.offset(copy_sg_size).map_err(Error::Memcopy)?;
-                copy_size -= copy_sg_size;
-                if copy_size == 0 {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            let width = width as u64;
-            // This path is more complicated because there are gaps in the data between lines.
-            let bytes_per_pixel = self.format().bytes_per_pixel(plane).unwrap_or(0) as u64;
-            let line_copy_size = checked_arithmetic!(width * bytes_per_pixel)?;
-            let line_end_skip = checked_arithmetic!(stride - line_copy_size)?;
-            let mut remaining_line_copy_size = line_copy_size;
-            let mut sg_opt =;
-            while let Some(sg) = sg_opt {
-                // Skip src_offset into this scatter gather item, or the entire thing if offset is
-                // larger.
-                let sg_size = match sg.size().checked_sub(src_offset) {
-                    None | Some(0) => {
-                        src_offset -= sg.size();
-                        sg_opt =;
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    Some(sg_remaining_size) => sg_remaining_size,
-                };
-                let copy_sg_size = min(sg_size, remaining_line_copy_size);
-                let src_slice = sg
-                    .get_slice(src_offset, copy_sg_size)
-                    .map_err(Error::Memcopy)?;
-                src_slice.copy_to_volatile_slice(dst_slice);
-                src_offset += copy_sg_size;
-                dst_slice = dst_slice.offset(copy_sg_size).map_err(Error::Memcopy)?;
-                remaining_line_copy_size -= copy_sg_size;
-                if remaining_line_copy_size == 0 {
-                    remaining_line_copy_size = line_copy_size;
-                    height -= 1;
-                    if height == 0 {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    src_offset += line_end_skip;
-                    dst_slice = dst_slice.offset(line_end_skip).map_err(Error::Memcopy)?;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        Ok(())
-    }
 impl Drop for Buffer {
@@ -712,33 +464,6 @@ impl AsRawFd for Buffer {
-struct BufferMapping<'a> {
-    slice: VolatileSlice<'a>,
-    stride: u32,
-    map_data: *mut c_void,
-    buffer: &'a Buffer,
-impl<'a> BufferMapping<'a> {
-    fn as_volatile_slice(&self) -> VolatileSlice {
-        self.slice
-    }
-    fn stride(&self) -> u32 {
-        self.stride
-    }
-impl<'a> Drop for BufferMapping<'a> {
-    fn drop(&mut self) {
-        // safe because the gbm_bo is assumed to be valid and the map_data is the same one given by
-        // gbm_bo_map.
-        unsafe {
-            gbm_bo_unmap(self.buffer.0, self.map_data);
-        }
-    }
 mod tests {
     use super::*;
@@ -822,45 +547,4 @@ mod tests {
             .expect("failed to create buffer");
         bo.export_plane_fd(0).expect("failed to export plane");
-    #[test]
-    #[ignore] // no access to /dev/dri
-    fn buffer_transfer() {
-        let drm_card = File::open("/dev/dri/card0").expect("failed to open card");
-        let device = Device::new(drm_card).expect("failed to create device with card");
-        let bo = device
-            .create_buffer(
-                1024,
-                1024,
-                Format::new(b'X', b'R', b'2', b'4'),
-                Flags::empty().use_scanout(true).use_linear(true),
-            )
-            .expect("failed to create buffer");
-        let mut dst: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
-        dst.resize((bo.stride() * bo.height()) as usize, 0x4A);
-        let dst_len = dst.len() as u64;
-        bo.write_from_sg(
-            0,
-            0,
-            1024,
-            1024,
-            0,
-            0,
-            [dst.as_mut_slice().get_slice(0, dst_len).unwrap()]
-                .iter()
-                .cloned(),
-        )
-        .expect("failed to read bo");
-        bo.read_to_volatile(
-            0,
-            0,
-            1024,
-            1024,
-            0,
-            dst.as_mut_slice().get_slice(0, dst_len).unwrap(),
-            bo.stride(),
-        )
-        .expect("failed to read bo");
-        assert!(dst.iter().all(|&x| x == 0x4A));
-    }