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path: root/devices/src/usb/host_backend/
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Diffstat (limited to 'devices/src/usb/host_backend/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/devices/src/usb/host_backend/ b/devices/src/usb/host_backend/
deleted file mode 100644
index 76ad4a4..0000000
--- a/devices/src/usb/host_backend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-use super::error::*;
-use crate::utils::{EventHandler, EventLoop};
-use std::os::raw::c_short;
-use std::os::unix::io::RawFd;
-use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
-use sys_util::{error, WatchingEvents};
-#[cfg(feature = "sandboxed-libusb")]
-use usb_util::device_handle::DeviceHandle;
-use usb_util::hotplug::UsbHotplugHandler;
-use usb_util::libusb_context::{LibUsbContext, LibUsbPollfdChangeHandler};
-#[cfg(not(feature = "sandboxed-libusb"))]
-use usb_util::libusb_device::LibUsbDevice;
-use vm_control::MaybeOwnedFd;
-/// Context wraps libusb context with libusb event handling.
-pub struct Context {
-    context: LibUsbContext,
-    event_loop: Arc<EventLoop>,
-    event_handler: Arc<dyn EventHandler>,
-impl Context {
-    /// Create a new context.
-    pub fn new(event_loop: Arc<EventLoop>) -> Result<Context> {
-        let context = LibUsbContext::new().map_err(Error::CreateLibUsbContext)?;
-        let ctx = Context {
-            context: context.clone(),
-            event_loop,
-            event_handler: Arc::new(LibUsbEventHandler {
-                context: context.clone(),
-            }),
-        };
-        ctx.init_event_handler()?;
-        Ok(ctx)
-    }
-    pub fn set_hotplug_handler<H: UsbHotplugHandler + Sized>(&self, handler: H) {
-        if let Err(e) = self.context.set_hotplug_cb(handler) {
-            error!("cannot set hotplug handler: {:?}", e);
-        }
-    }
-    fn init_event_handler(&self) -> Result<()> {
-        for pollfd in self.context.get_pollfd_iter() {
-            usb_debug!("event loop add event {} events handler", pollfd.fd);
-            self.event_loop
-                .add_event(
-                    &MaybeOwnedFd::Borrowed(pollfd.fd),
-                    WatchingEvents::new( as u32),
-                    Arc::downgrade(&self.event_handler),
-                )
-                .map_err(Error::AddToEventLoop)?;
-        }
-        self.context
-            .set_pollfd_notifiers(Box::new(PollfdChangeHandler {
-                event_loop: self.event_loop.clone(),
-                event_handler: Arc::downgrade(&self.event_handler),
-            }));
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    /// Get libusb device with matching bus, addr, vid and pid.
-    #[cfg(not(feature = "sandboxed-libusb"))]
-    pub fn get_device(&self, bus: u8, addr: u8, vid: u16, pid: u16) -> Option<LibUsbDevice> {
-        let device_iter = match self.context.get_device_iter() {
-            Ok(iter) => iter,
-            Err(e) => {
-                error!("could not get libusb device iterator: {:?}", e);
-                return None;
-            }
-        };
-        for device in device_iter {
-            if device.get_bus_number() == bus && device.get_address() == addr {
-                if let Ok(descriptor) = device.get_device_descriptor() {
-                    if descriptor.idProduct == pid && descriptor.idVendor == vid {
-                        return Some(device);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        error!("device not found bus {}, addr {}", bus, addr);
-        None
-    }
-    #[cfg(feature = "sandboxed-libusb")]
-    pub fn get_device_handle(&self, fd: std::fs::File) -> Option<DeviceHandle> {
-        match self.context.handle_from_file(fd) {
-            Ok(handle) => Some(handle),
-            Err(e) => {
-                error!("could not build device from fd: {:?}", e);
-                None
-            }
-        }
-    }
-struct LibUsbEventHandler {
-    context: LibUsbContext,
-impl EventHandler for LibUsbEventHandler {
-    fn on_event(&self) -> std::result::Result<(), ()> {
-        self.context.handle_events_nonblock();
-        Ok(())
-    }
-struct PollfdChangeHandler {
-    event_loop: Arc<EventLoop>,
-    event_handler: Weak<dyn EventHandler>,
-impl LibUsbPollfdChangeHandler for PollfdChangeHandler {
-    fn add_poll_fd(&self, fd: RawFd, events: c_short) {
-        if let Err(e) = self.event_loop.add_event(
-            &MaybeOwnedFd::Borrowed(fd),
-            WatchingEvents::new(events as u32),
-            self.event_handler.clone(),
-        ) {
-            error!("cannot add event to event loop: {}", e);
-        }
-    }
-    fn remove_poll_fd(&self, fd: RawFd) {
-        if let Some(h) = self.event_handler.upgrade() {
-            if let Err(e) = h.on_event() {
-                error!("cannot handle event: {:?}", e);
-            }
-        }
-        if let Err(e) = self
-            .event_loop
-            .remove_event_for_fd(&MaybeOwnedFd::Borrowed(fd))
-        {
-            error!(
-                "failed to remove poll change handler from event loop: {}",
-                e
-            );
-        }
-    }