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path: root/x86_64/src/
blob: 9cfb5a4c28084b747d8dfe5463c00ceaf845c8fd (plain) (tree)

// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

use std::io;
use std::mem;
use std::result;
use std::slice;

use libc::c_char;

use sys_util::{GuestAddress, GuestMemory};

use mpspec::*;

pub enum Error {
    /// There was too little guest memory to store the entire MP table.
    /// The MP table has too little address space to be stored.
    /// Failure while zeroing out the memory for the MP table.
    /// Failure to write the MP floating pointer.
    /// Failure to write MP CPU entry.
    /// Failure to write MP ioapic entry.
    /// Failure to write MP bus entry.
    /// Failure to write MP interrupt source entry.
    /// Failure to write MP local interrupt source entry.
    /// Failure to write MP table header.

pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;

// Convenience macro for making arrays of diverse character types.
macro_rules! char_array {
    ($t:ty; $( $c:expr ),*) => ( [ $( $c as $t ),* ] )

// Most of these variables are sourced from the Intel MP Spec 1.4.
const SMP_MAGIC_IDENT: [c_char; 4] = char_array!(c_char; '_', 'M', 'P', '_');
const MPC_SIGNATURE: [c_char; 4] = char_array!(c_char; 'P', 'C', 'M', 'P');
const MPC_SPEC: i8 = 4;
const MPC_OEM: [c_char; 8] = char_array!(c_char; 'C', 'R', 'O', 'S', 'V', 'M', ' ', ' ');
const MPC_PRODUCT_ID: [c_char; 12] = ['0' as c_char; 12];
const BUS_TYPE_ISA: [u8; 6] = char_array!(u8; 'I', 'S', 'A', ' ', ' ', ' ');
const IO_APIC_DEFAULT_PHYS_BASE: u32 = 0xfec00000; // source: linux/arch/x86/include/asm/apicdef.h
const APIC_DEFAULT_PHYS_BASE: u32 = 0xfee00000; // source: linux/arch/x86/include/asm/apicdef.h
const APIC_VERSION: u8 = 0x14;
const CPU_STEPPING: u32 = 0x600;
const CPU_FEATURE_APIC: u32 = 0x200;
const CPU_FEATURE_FPU: u32 = 0x001;

fn compute_checksum<T: Copy>(v: &T) -> u8 {
    // Safe because we are only reading the bytes within the size of the `T` reference `v`.
    let v_slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(v as *const T as *const u8, mem::size_of::<T>()) };
    let mut checksum: u8 = 0;
    for i in v_slice.iter() {
        checksum = checksum.wrapping_add(*i);

fn mpf_intel_compute_checksum(v: &mpf_intel) -> u8 {
    let checksum = compute_checksum(v).wrapping_sub(v.checksum);

fn compute_mp_size(num_cpus: u8) -> usize {
    mem::size_of::<mpf_intel>() + mem::size_of::<mpc_table>() +
    mem::size_of::<mpc_cpu>() * (num_cpus as usize) + mem::size_of::<mpc_ioapic>() +
    mem::size_of::<mpc_bus>() + mem::size_of::<mpc_intsrc>() + mem::size_of::<mpc_lintsrc>() * 2

/// Performs setup of the MP table for the given `num_cpus`.
pub fn setup_mptable(mem: &GuestMemory, num_cpus: u8) -> Result<()> {

    // Used to keep track of the next base pointer into the MP table.
    let mut base_mp = GuestAddress(0x0);

    let mp_size = compute_mp_size(num_cpus);

    // The checked_add here ensures the all of the following base_mp.unchecked_add's will be without
    // overflow.
    if let Some(end_mp) = base_mp.checked_add(mp_size) {
        if !mem.address_in_range(end_mp) {
            return Err(Error::NotEnoughMemory);
    } else {
        return Err(Error::AddressOverflow);

    mem.read_to_memory(base_mp, &mut io::repeat(0), mp_size)
        .map_err(|_| Error::Clear)?;

        let size = mem::size_of::<mpf_intel>();
        let mut mpf_intel = mpf_intel::default();
        mpf_intel.signature = SMP_MAGIC_IDENT;
        mpf_intel.length = 1;
        mpf_intel.specification = 4;
        mpf_intel.physptr = (base_mp.offset() + mem::size_of::<mpf_intel>()) as u32;
        mpf_intel.checksum = mpf_intel_compute_checksum(&mpf_intel);
        mem.write_obj_at_addr(mpf_intel, base_mp)
            .map_err(|_| Error::WriteMpfIntel)?;
        base_mp = base_mp.unchecked_add(size);

    // We set the location of the mpc_table here but we can't fill it out until we have the length
    // of the entire table later.
    let table_base = base_mp;
    base_mp = base_mp.unchecked_add(mem::size_of::<mpc_table>());

    let mut checksum: u8 = 0;

    for cpu_id in 0..num_cpus {
        let size = mem::size_of::<mpc_cpu>();
        let mut mpc_cpu = mpc_cpu::default();
        mpc_cpu.type_ = MP_PROCESSOR as u8;
        mpc_cpu.apicid = cpu_id;
        mpc_cpu.apicver = APIC_VERSION;
        mpc_cpu.cpuflag = CPU_ENABLED as u8 |
                          if cpu_id == 0 {
                              CPU_BOOTPROCESSOR as u8
                          } else {
        mpc_cpu.cpufeature = CPU_STEPPING;
        mpc_cpu.featureflag = CPU_FEATURE_APIC | CPU_FEATURE_FPU;
        mem.write_obj_at_addr(mpc_cpu, base_mp)
            .map_err(|_| Error::WriteMpcCpu)?;
        base_mp = base_mp.unchecked_add(size);
        checksum = checksum.wrapping_add(compute_checksum(&mpc_cpu));
        let size = mem::size_of::<mpc_ioapic>();
        let mut mpc_ioapic = mpc_ioapic::default();
        mpc_ioapic.type_ = MP_IOAPIC as u8;
        mpc_ioapic.apicid = num_cpus + 1;
        mpc_ioapic.apicver = APIC_VERSION;
        mpc_ioapic.flags = MPC_APIC_USABLE as u8;
        mpc_ioapic.apicaddr = IO_APIC_DEFAULT_PHYS_BASE;
        mem.write_obj_at_addr(mpc_ioapic, base_mp)
            .map_err(|_| Error::WriteMpcIoapic)?;
        base_mp = base_mp.unchecked_add(size);
        checksum = checksum.wrapping_add(compute_checksum(&mpc_ioapic));
        let size = mem::size_of::<mpc_bus>();
        let mut mpc_bus = mpc_bus::default();
        mpc_bus.type_ = MP_BUS as u8;
        mpc_bus.busid = 0;
        mpc_bus.bustype = BUS_TYPE_ISA;
        mem.write_obj_at_addr(mpc_bus, base_mp)
            .map_err(|_| Error::WriteMpcBus)?;
        base_mp = base_mp.unchecked_add(size);
        checksum = checksum.wrapping_add(compute_checksum(&mpc_bus));
        let size = mem::size_of::<mpc_intsrc>();
        let mut mpc_intsrc = mpc_intsrc::default();
        mpc_intsrc.type_ = MP_INTSRC as u8;
        mpc_intsrc.irqtype = mp_irq_source_types_mp_INT as u8;
        mpc_intsrc.irqflag = MP_IRQDIR_DEFAULT as u16;
        mpc_intsrc.srcbus = 0;
        mpc_intsrc.srcbusirq = 0;
        mpc_intsrc.dstapic = 0;
        mpc_intsrc.dstirq = 0;
        mem.write_obj_at_addr(mpc_intsrc, base_mp)
            .map_err(|_| Error::WriteMpcIntsrc)?;
        base_mp = base_mp.unchecked_add(size);
        checksum = checksum.wrapping_add(compute_checksum(&mpc_intsrc));
        let size = mem::size_of::<mpc_lintsrc>();
        let mut mpc_lintsrc = mpc_lintsrc::default();
        mpc_lintsrc.type_ = MP_LINTSRC as u8;
        mpc_lintsrc.irqtype = mp_irq_source_types_mp_INT as u8;
        mpc_lintsrc.irqflag = MP_IRQDIR_DEFAULT as u16;
        mpc_lintsrc.srcbusid = 0;
        mpc_lintsrc.srcbusirq = 0;
        mpc_lintsrc.destapic = 0;
        mpc_lintsrc.destapiclint = 0;
        mem.write_obj_at_addr(mpc_lintsrc, base_mp)
            .map_err(|_| Error::WriteMpcLintsrc)?;
        base_mp = base_mp.unchecked_add(size);
        checksum = checksum.wrapping_add(compute_checksum(&mpc_lintsrc));
        let size = mem::size_of::<mpc_lintsrc>();
        let mut mpc_lintsrc = mpc_lintsrc::default();
        mpc_lintsrc.type_ = MP_LINTSRC as u8;
        mpc_lintsrc.irqtype = mp_irq_source_types_mp_NMI as u8;
        mpc_lintsrc.irqflag = MP_IRQDIR_DEFAULT as u16;
        mpc_lintsrc.srcbusid = 0;
        mpc_lintsrc.srcbusirq = 0;
        mpc_lintsrc.destapic = 0;
        mpc_lintsrc.destapiclint = 1;
        mem.write_obj_at_addr(mpc_lintsrc, base_mp)
            .map_err(|_| Error::WriteMpcLintsrc)?;
        base_mp = base_mp.unchecked_add(size);
        checksum = checksum.wrapping_add(compute_checksum(&mpc_lintsrc));

    // At this point we know the size of the mp_table.
    let table_end = base_mp;

        let mut mpc_table = mpc_table::default();
        mpc_table.signature = MPC_SIGNATURE;
        mpc_table.length = table_end.offset_from(table_base) as u16;
        mpc_table.spec = MPC_SPEC;
        mpc_table.oem = MPC_OEM;
        mpc_table.productid = MPC_PRODUCT_ID;
        mpc_table.lapic = APIC_DEFAULT_PHYS_BASE;
        checksum = checksum.wrapping_add(compute_checksum(&mpc_table));
        mpc_table.checksum = (!checksum).wrapping_add(1) as i8;
        mem.write_obj_at_addr(mpc_table, table_base)
            .map_err(|_| Error::WriteMpcTable)?;


mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn table_entry_size(type_: u8) -> usize {
        match type_ as u32 {
            MP_PROCESSOR => mem::size_of::<mpc_cpu>(),
            MP_BUS => mem::size_of::<mpc_bus>(),
            MP_IOAPIC => mem::size_of::<mpc_ioapic>(),
            MP_INTSRC => mem::size_of::<mpc_intsrc>(),
            MP_LINTSRC => mem::size_of::<mpc_lintsrc>(),
            _ => panic!("unrecognized mpc table entry type: {}", type_),

    fn bounds_check() {
        let mem = GuestMemory::new(&[(GuestAddress(0), 0xff)]).unwrap();

        setup_mptable(&mem, 4).unwrap();

    fn mpf_intel_checksum() {
        let mem = GuestMemory::new(&[(GuestAddress(0), 0xff)]).unwrap();

        setup_mptable(&mem, 1).unwrap();

        let mpf_intel = mem.read_obj_from_addr(GuestAddress(0)).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(mpf_intel_compute_checksum(&mpf_intel), mpf_intel.checksum);

    fn mpc_table_checksum() {
        let mem = GuestMemory::new(&[(GuestAddress(0), 0xff)]).unwrap();

        setup_mptable(&mem, 4).unwrap();

        let mpf_intel: mpf_intel = mem.read_obj_from_addr(GuestAddress(0)).unwrap();
        let mpc_offset = GuestAddress(mpf_intel.physptr as usize);
        let mpc_table: mpc_table = mem.read_obj_from_addr(mpc_offset).unwrap();

        struct Sum(u8);
        impl io::Write for Sum {
            fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
                for v in buf.iter() {
                    self.0 = self.0.wrapping_add(*v);
            fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {

        let mut sum = Sum(0);
        mem.write_from_memory(mpc_offset, &mut sum, mpc_table.length as usize)
        assert_eq!(sum.0, 0);

    fn cpu_entry_count() {
        const MAX_CPUS: u8 = 0xff;
        let mem = GuestMemory::new(&[(GuestAddress(0), compute_mp_size(MAX_CPUS))]).unwrap();

        for i in 0..MAX_CPUS {
            setup_mptable(&mem, i).unwrap();

            let mpf_intel: mpf_intel = mem.read_obj_from_addr(GuestAddress(0)).unwrap();
            let mpc_offset = GuestAddress(mpf_intel.physptr as usize);
            let mpc_table: mpc_table = mem.read_obj_from_addr(mpc_offset).unwrap();
            let mpc_end = mpc_offset
                .checked_add(mpc_table.length as usize)

            let mut entry_offset = mpc_offset
            let mut cpu_count = 0;
            while entry_offset < mpc_end {
                let entry_type: u8 = mem.read_obj_from_addr(entry_offset).unwrap();
                entry_offset = entry_offset
                assert!(entry_offset <= mpc_end);
                if entry_type as u32 == MP_PROCESSOR {
                    cpu_count += 1;
            assert_eq!(cpu_count, i);